Dual Diagnosis Treatment in Mansfield, TX

At our center for dual diagnosis treatment in Mansfield, specialists work not only with those suffering from multiple mental disorders but with their families, too. A single mental disorder can be a lot for a loved one to try and understand, so treatment professionals take the time to explain the definition of dual diagnosis, why dual diagnosis and addiction go hand-in-hand, and some of the symptoms their loved one will experience based on the co-existing disorders that they have developed.

No matter what the combination of disorders is or how severe they are, there are dual diagnosis rehab options available.

There are many types of mental disorders, from mild to extreme and debilitating, that a person can be diagnosed with during their life. Addiction is a mental disorder and a chronic illness that cannot be cured but without proper treatment but can be very well managed and all but removed as an impediment to a happy and successful life.

Many people who suffer from addiction also have a co-occurring mental disorder which adds greatly to the medical and mental health attention that they need. Thankfully a wide variety of dual diagnosis treatment programs are available to those people who are afflicted by co-existing disorders.

What is Dual Diagnosis?

Dual diagnosis is the medical term for the existence of two mental disorders, in this case one being addiction to drugs or alcohol, in a single patient. There are specific dual diagnosis treatment programs designed for people who have co-occurring disorders that have been designed so that both disorders are addressed properly and not in conflict with one another. This is one of the key points of dual diagnosis rehab and cannot be emphasized enough.

In the past, when addicts or alcoholics with another mental disorder were treated, often their progress with one of their issues was at the expense of the other. When patients take part in dual diagnosis treatment in Mansfield they are cared for and they no longer are shuffled between different disciplines -- addiction rehab and mental health services -- in order to have their co-existing disorders treated properly.

In some instances, an individual's treatment will go exactly as it would have if they were only dealing with one disorder, like additional counseling and therapy, but aspects may change, including anything that would increase their stress level, which can often be a trigger for a relapse for an addict or an alcoholic.

Dual diagnosis is an important factor in relapse prevention in Mansfield because of the ability of mental illnesses to return addicts to past behaviors.

Dual Diagnosis and Addiction -- Why the Two Go Hand in Hand

Another fact about co-existing mental illnesses that is important to understand is that there is no set order as to how they first develop in a patient. A person can be addicted to heroin and along the way develop Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, possibly revolving around the steps used to administer the daily doses of the drug. In corollary, the inverse can also occur, wherein for example, someone with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder may start drinking, and become addicted to alcohol, in order to mask, diminish, or simply put their symptoms out of their mind.

Our professionals for dual diagnosis treatment programs in Mansfield understand this and are sure to analyze each person's symptoms and develop a treatment plan for them that is specific to their needs. Anyone fighting addiction or a mental illness has challenges that are unique to them and their care needs to be tailored to them in order for them to have the highest possibility of success.

During dual diagnosis rehab this is even more important due to the sometimes overlapping, sometimes triggering symptoms of each disorder. What this boils down to is that the co-existing disorders are intertwined and most likely always will be and both patients and caregivers need to understand the relationship between the two which can and will be different in the individual addict or alcoholic. This analysis is another big part of dual diagnosis treatment in Mansfield.

Types of Mental Health Disorders

Dual diagnosis rehab can be a shock as well as a learning experience for addicts, alcoholics, and their families. What individuals and their loved ones might have thought were just symptoms or side effects of their drinking or using drugs can turn out to be undiagnosed instances of bipolar disorder, high-anxiety, schizophrenia, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD), or a handful of other mental disorders that could have already existed before or developed after and part of the person's addiction.

No matter what the circumstances are for a particular person, the treatment specialists at a center for dual diagnosis treatment in Mansfield can help. There can be many complicated aspects to co-existing disorders but the medical professionals involved in dual diagnosis treatment programs are ready and waiting all those who need their care. Call us now for help (877) 804-1531.

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