Addiction Aftercare in Mansfield, TX

Addiction aftercare in Mansfield is available through both outpatient and inpatient rehab programs and can make the difference between remaining clean and sober and having a setback that may have severe consequences. There are a lot of different addiction aftercare programs available to recovering addicts and alcoholics and as each person is affected differently by addiction it is beneficial for them to have options that can be tailored to their specific needs in helping them stay sober in recovery.

The only thing harder than getting clean and sober if you're an addict or alcoholic is staying that way. From the first day a person begins their recovery and has stopped drinking or using drugs they will need to work at remaining sober for the rest of their lives. Hopefully, after the initial shock of no longer drinking or using has passed and a person has been in counseling and therapy through a rehab program, the hard days will become few and far between.

Although not perfect for everyone, an inpatient rehab program can be an excellent starting point and foundation for a successful beginning to a person's sobriety. Inpatient rehab can not only help you rid your body of the substance you're abusing through detoxification but can also introduce you to addiction aftercare programs that will help you stay on track with your recovery on the good days and the bad.

What is Aftercare for Addiction Treatment?

Addiction aftercare in Mansfield as well as in other parts of the state and country includes a variety of programs developed with the aim to assist recovering addicts and alcoholics stay clean and sober once they have entered recovery. Every addict and alcoholic goes through many stages of recovery starting with detoxification during which they rid their body of the substance they are addicted to, they then enter rehabilitation, which can come in the form of outpatient or inpatient rehab in Mansfield and teaches the addict or alcoholic the skills and coping mechanisms they will need to be successful in recovery through a variety of available types of counseling and therapy.

Along the way, depending on the model of the rehab program they are taking part in they will be introduced to addiction aftercare programs. Aftercare programs can be the difference between having a relapse and remaining sober and there are many times a relapse results in an addict or alcoholic going back to using drugs or drinking and never returning to recovery knowing the initial steps they would have to go through again.

What Types of Programs Does it Involve?

Addiction aftercare in Mansfield includes many different types of programs and recovering addicts and alcoholics need to find what works best for them, which in many cases is a combination of options or a progression of different types of counseling or therapy.

One of the most popular types of addiction aftercare programs are 12-step programs like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). AA was formed in the early 20th century and there are dozens and dozens of organizations that have a local, regional, or national presence that have modeled themselves after Alcoholics Anonymous.

A 12-step program is an excellent part of relapse prevention in Mansfield and can support a recovering addict or alcoholic not only at the outset of recovery but long into a life of sobriety.

AA and groups like them give those new to recovery access to like-minded people, counseling, and group meetings that can help addicts and alcoholics form new relationships to replace what they might have had to leave behind as part of breaking away from drugs and alcohol.

Why Should I Enter an Aftercare Program for Addiction?

The hardest part of recovery is getting clean and sober in the first place but addicts and alcoholics must work every day in recovery to maintain their sobriety. Entering an addiction aftercare program is one way to help yourself stay focused on leading a sober life and not having unnecessary setbacks. Programs designed for addiction aftercare in Mansfield can help addicts and alcoholics on a regular basis and also when they are in distress.

Large organizations like AA or Narcotics Anonymous have a world-wide presence and addicts and alcoholics can attend meetings as needed wherever they go and are not tied only to a local treatment center.

Anyone who has never had an addiction of any kind, from drugs to gambling to shopping, can understand what someone in recovery is going through and being part of a 12-step program puts you together with other people who will understand the trials and pitfalls you deal with every day as a recovering addict or alcoholic. Call us now for help (877) 804-1531.

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